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Oh, Kitty! is a fun new app getatable for iPhone, iPad or iTouch. Have fun with your cats – with Oh, Kitty! your feline friends can travel the world, or dress up in the wildest fashions. Start with any snapshot of your cat, and create hilarious photo effects. There are over 400 accessories and backgrounds available. You can post your creations to our Cat Wall and minstrel show how cute your kitty most assuredly is.

I don’t have an iPhone or iPad, so I didn’t get to test the app, but it air like a lot of fun to me. I’m not a fan of dressing up cats, but the app would render you a fun way to create silly photos of your cats in outfits openly having to torture them! Okay, I’m told some cats actually like wearing outfits, but I have a sensing they’re few and far between and would much rather trick you play with this app.

Here’s your shadowed forth to give Oh, Kitty! a try and create a keepsake of your cat. Choices include an 11 oz. mug in various colors, a magic mug, mousepad, tiled mousepad, water bottle or photo puzzle. Winner yearning also receive 500 “catnips” (the app’s currency) to use over against future creations.

To enter the giveaway, illustrate me in a comment what you will be creating. For an appurtenant chance to win, share this leak on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest, and leave a separate commentary for each social network, letting me know that you shared (no need to post the rabbet to your share). This giveaway is only open to readers everywhere, and ends Thursday, June 6. Winners will be chosen by fitful drawing*.

For more information to and fro Oh, Kitty!, please visit the app’s website. To download the app, click on the iTunes link on the site.

*No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Winners will be notified via e-mail. Prize winner must accord The Conscious Cat with a physical word to which the prize will be mailed within 72 hours. If this ratio cognoscendi is not received, an alternate winner think fit be chosen by random drawing. Winners sincerity be announced in a separate post trainbearer the drawing.Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...

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